Memories of the Shire of Darkwell
The Shire of Darkwell was formerly a local branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.(SCA), a non-profit, educational medieval re-enactment organization with its headquarters in California. It was first established in 1981 (A.S. XVI) and received its Charter from the Kingdom of Caid in early 1982 (A.S. XVI). [Note, as the SCA was officially founded on 1 May 1966, the SCA Calendar, or Anno Societas, runs from 1 May through 30 April, thus 1 May 1981 C.E. through 30 April 1982 C.E. equals A.S. XVI (16)]
Aislynn and Alaric, along with Leona de Francesco della Perugia (may her memory ever bring blessings), Ymilhault of Pel (aka Maeve (“Mad” Maeve) Moorland of the Tower of Pel), Andras Laszlo, Morgan Trygvisson, Suzanne, Paul, Frank and Martha of Wales, the “Flying Trippoletto’s”, and others whose names I scarcely recall, were the founding members of the Shire. We had fun.
Our petition to the Crown of Caid was made at the coronation of Gregory of York and Arianyn, November 21, AS XVI(
Our first event was to host the Shire of the Isle’s anniversary tournament during the first reign of Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst and Natalya Gregorovna– veritable learning experience! We had our own special events as well: the Below the Salt Feasts, the Fools’ Feasts, in addition to the usual SCA activities.
A few years later, the Shire of Darkwell disbanded as the various members went separate ways, some to other states, some to other activities, and one, our beloved Lady Leona, who was mundanely a Third Order Carmelite, to her heavenly reward.
A new Shire, now a Barony, Wintermist, has taken root where our Darkwell formerly was known, and there is an annual Darkwell War held near the site of the original Darkwell to this date.
- We committed one of the ultimate faux pas during our initial appearance at Court. While we bowed prettily and knelt respectfully while our petition o The Crown was read, upon being informed that it would “be taken under consideration” (and no one having informed us of this response ahead of time, we, as a group, nodded to the Crown, rose, and turned our backs and strode boldly out of the Royal presence. We were later told that there had been more than a few members of the Chivalry who wanted to draw arms and defend this dishonor to the Crown. We didn’t know. We were the Country Bumpkins from the Central Valley.
- Upon our petition for form a Shire being graned, we made up for our previous faux pas by groveling our way backwards out of the Royal Prescence.
From the SCA College of Heralds:
Darkwell, Shire of
This branch-name was registered in October of 1982 (via Caid) and released in January of 1993 (via Caid). No heraldry for the group was ever submitted, due to a lack of consensus on the design, which incorporated a well (Or) with black oil seeping through the stones of the well.