Alice in Wonderland by Arthur Rackham - Advice from a Caterpillar

Caterpillar: Who… are… you?
Alice: Why, I hardly know, sir. I’ve changed so much since this morning, you see…
Caterpillar: I do not see. Explain yourself.
Alice: I’m afraid I can’t explain myself, you see, because I’m not myself, you know.
Caterpillar: I do not know.
Alice: I can’t put it any more clearly, sir, because it isn’t clear to me.

Are you really interested, or are you just poking your nose in places where it might not belong? It doesn’t particularly matter to me, but one should really think through their reasons for going places and doing things. If you wish to follow me, then by all means do so.

I am a transgender woman (my generation generally still prefers the term ‘transsexual’ over ‘transgender’, but I’m mostly okay with either.) In 2013, I finally resumed a transformative journey that had been attempted several times earlier in my life, and for many reasons, was placed on hold for far too long. That part of my journey was completed in late 2015. Waiting was an uncomfortable choice, but due to choices made at other times in my life, it was needful, and I would not be the person I am today without having the experiences of my lifetime. Those who are in my life and near/dear to me know these things, and I may or may not discuss them here.

Ash at age 5

I have been married to the same person for over four decades, we have three mostly adorable children who are all now adults (we shan’t refer to them as “grown-ups!”), and not nearly as adorable as they were when they were of preschool age; growing older can do that to a person!

A Social Brown Recluse” is a description given me by my youngest child, who shares the trait with me: we are generally reclusive, bite when provoked, but attempt to be socially appropriate, nonetheless. It is also a name that I have used on occasion as a title for various of my blogs, including the initial version of this, as well as “Ashes to Ashes”, which has often described my view on life in general.

I tend to write in stream of consciousness mode, and often ramble away on whatever topic has rung my gong at the moment. Politics, religion, food – in short, I write about what comes to mind, and topics wander all through the tulgey wood. I occasionally write poetry and short stories and inflict them upon certain of the readers of my various and sundry journals, hence, one of my other descriptive names, that of Babbling Brooke.

Rating insignia for Naval Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive)

I am a disabled American Veteran with a number of health issues that are sometimes written about here as well. I also express my frustration with our government here, but more often on Twitter, where the 280 character limit actually helps. (That’s an attempt at humor, learn to recognize it and you will go far in life.)

Back in 2013, I combined the content from my numerous other blogs to this site, as I was deleting the old ones, thus in some comments and earlier posts links may be broken, and in 2019, I have moved this blog off of the site to my hosted website here at LookingBackwards, which also holds my genealogy, our SCA Household, and our Gaming Group sites, the journaling content of which is also now being further recombined into this singular blog, in order to not have to remember to update half a dozen (or more) sites. A more complete listing of my Social Media sites can be found here.

I am a Family Historian/genealogist, and the portal to my family history website is All Our Relations. Oh, gee — that just a click away from where you are now! Full access to the genealogy database requires a registered account and is limited to proven family members – those related within five generations.

I have practiced the Craft of the Witches for over 5 decades, since childhood, actually; someday I may get it right. Our coven website can be found at Nemed Cuculatii.

I can also be found on at Ashes to Ashes; it is also limited to friends. My Twitter feed is open, however, my Facebook page is open to friends only, and I have no idea as to how much longer I will be there. Until recently, I’ve often been found on MeWe, which is where I preferred to waste my online time, rather than Facebook (or, as I often call it, Faecesbook), however, as the site has been inundated by White Supremacists and Trump Supporters over the past few years, my time there is less and less.

If you find that we have interests in common, or you’ve read something of mine that intrigues you, comment to one of my entries, wherever the platform. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of grammar, punctuation and spelling and respectful manners, and I will consider adding you. I do screen all comments and requests, and not all of them make the cut.  If you have a disagreement with someone else who is here, keep it off of my journal. Email me privately about it if you wish, but do not flame people on my journal.

If we are related or friends in real life, please do add your name and address information to my address book submission form. This will generate an email to me with your contact information so that I can finally update my physical address book (something I recently discovered had not actually been done since the late 1990s!!)

My political views include being fiscally responsible (which is not the same as fiscally conservative), socially liberal and decidedly pro-choice; I also tend to be anti-big business. For a considerable period of time, I termed myself as a libertarian (note the small “l”), however, the nomination of Bob Barr for President, along with the apparent love of Rand Paul by that party, ended any association I may have had with them; I still hold several libertarian (note small “l”) concepts and beliefs, however, I tend more towards democratic (note small “d”) socialism (note small “s”) as a practicality, and when pressed to describe my political leanings, respond “socialist” (note small “s”). I completely reject and abhor the concept of “I got mine, fuck you” that far too many who profess Libertarian (note capitol “L”) values. I tend to self-identify as a Socialist.

Thanks for visiting,
Ashleigh signature


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