House Amberwood was established by Aislynn of Amberwood in the year A.S. XVI when she first joined the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA), as a part of the incipient Shire of Darkwell in the Kingdom of Caid.
Alaric Wulfgar, who previously resided within the Shire of Perilous Visions, Kingdom of the West, and then sojourned in Ansteorra and later still in the Barony of Drachenwald, Kingdom of the East; moved to the future Shire of Darkwell upon returning from military service at the beginning of A.S. XV.
Aislynn met Alaric in the autumn of A.S. XVI (1981 c.e.) through mutual friends who were working to establish a local SCA branch; they were wed in December, A.S. XVI. They remained active in the Shire of Darkwell, along with their daughters, until leaving Caid for the wilds of an Tirin A.S. XXII.
For many reasons, participation within the Society ended following this move; however, in September A.S. XL (2010 C.E.), the Household rejoined the Society, with the intent of becoming active in the Canton of Porte de L’Eau, Barony of Madrone, Kingdom of An Tir.
As of that date, the household consisted of Aislynn and Alaric, along with Maire, Elspeth, and Gana.
Yrs in svc,
Alaric Wulfgar of Amberwood, ODC
Nota bene: The above was written by Lord Alaric Wulfgar in A.S. XL. Three years later, Lord Alaric passed into memory, and Lady Renée du bois d’Ambre would arrive take his place in the Household.
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