Welcome to the Riven World
Welcome to the Riven World™
A BjoernQuest© Campaign
“Long ago, before the world was rent asunder…”
Bards, Minstrels, storytellers, and other liars claim that many hundreds of generations ago all people lived on a single, large globe of a world—somewhat like the Eye of Night—under a blue sky and a single, silver-white moon. Legends say that the Homeworld was originally a veritable paradise of fertility, peace, prosperity, and plenitude. The peoples who lived during this time knew neither war, nor disease, nor hunger; they built spectacular cities, that shone like crystal under the light of the Sun and the single Moon. They were masters of all the arts, all forms of craft and sciences, and even their children knew the greatest of magics. But then the Triumvirate came.
No one knows their original names, identities, or even which race any of these three incarnations of evil came from. They are known only by the titles that have been passed down over the ages: the Dracomancer, the Rune-Maker, and—most dreaded of all—the Necromaster. These three Adepts forged an unholy pact to ally their powers and to conquer all the world and to set themselves up as Tyrants over all who lived under the light of the single Moon. They waged their wars of conquest for generations over the face of the Homeworld and were relentlessly victorious. Legend says that at the site of each victory over the free peoples of the Homeworld, they erected a great and terrible monument of commemoration and used those obelisks to magically link the fates of those who survived their conquest in servitude to the Triumvirate’s will.1
>>How long is the year? 2
432 days, or Orbits. The year is called a Cycle. A Cycle is divided into 6 Seasons of 72 Orbits.
>>How many weeks/9-days to a season?
The “week” is called a Passage and equals 6 Orbits. So there are 12 Passages in a Season, and 72
Passages in a Cycle.
- Excerpted from “Welcome to the Riven World”, privately published and copyright ©2010 Bjoern-Erik Hartsfvang. The Riven World is a campaign setting in the DragonQuest gaming system; our gaming group only played a few sessions in it before taking a hiatus of several months.
- Additional information from Bjoern to Ashleigh via email.