Things I’m working on instead of writing at the moment
For the curious, this is a large part of the genealogy website rebuild that I’m doing for the next week or so. I typically use Family Tree Maker 2019 for my main research; along with the applications for MyHeritage and Legacy 8 (I’m several versions behind on this one, but it was free at the time), for use with other websites, and merge those into the FTM program, clean them up, and keep going from there.)
Periodically, I export the data from FTM so that I can upload it to my genealogy website at, so that other family members can see it, comment on it, and use it themselves, should they so desire. It had been more than a few years since the last complete overhaul of the site, and while I had begun an update late last year, it hadn’t been finished because I got sick at the beginning of the year, and just haven’t been able to focus on if, with everything else that I was attempting to do.
At present, I’ve got the current version of TNG installed, and mostly configured, and the initial family data (mine) input. I’m working on cleaning up my FTM database so that it’s safe to export and upload – cleaning up stray sources, locations, and unrelated people, getting rid of duplicates, etc., – stuff that really doesn’t need to be there. Then I run taht file through a converter to make sure that it’s in the proper format for TNG to properly use, and upload it to the website, and then we will be ready to open back up.
*** This procedure will delete ALL data including people, families, sources, repositories, media and branches in a tree. It must be used with extreme caution and only after taking a full backup as you will need to restore an item *** Why would you need to CLEAR a tree? If you maintain your genealogy data […]