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We’re taking a break from things right now. Your Admin is recovering from surgery, and has only one hand that is usable at present, and there are other pressing Things that are Requiring More Attention than usual.
More Kalet logs are coming, as will more of the Castle Falkenstein campaign.
Adam’s DQ Kaz campaign, appears to have been lost, although other players are checking the email archives to see if they have any of them.
Adam’s GURPS 3rd edition Lanka campaign is getting cleanup for the logs to post. This was a very fun game that ran a couple of years beginning around 1998. My character, Rei sen Nabiki (yeah, original names are not my forte, okay?), a 1/4 Elf, 1/4 Sho-tzen Nydad, was an Assassin who somehow fell in love with the party’s Paladin, and they wed. Rei took over my life for a while, much as Nephir Nuit St. John, Vampire Human, did for my spouse, both earlier and later (two different campaigns with Nephir, different GMs but the same PC.)
Adam’s – Veliss – GURPS 4th ed – I have the world background and character sheets, but no logs, so that will require an in depth email dive into my archives.
Adam – Wildcards/GURPS 4th ed – We only had a couple of sessions in this. It was our initial pass through GURPS 4, and Adam, Bjoern, and Stuart were writing the GURPS for Dummies book at the time, so it was partly playtesting. I may or may not post up those.
My GURPS 3 “1938” Campaign – I need t unpack the files and see what all has survived 5 hard drive crashes since we ran this back in 1999. It was a lot of fun as well, best for the between session email exchanges and parties. This was one of the campaigns that Nephir took over my spouse’s waking moments. She did write some amazing stories during this period, however.
Several of Bjoern’s campaign are also in the pipeline – Megalos and a couple of the others are already in process, subject to approval by Bjoern.
Cat & Mike’s Landing – GURPS 4 – campaign is mostly on the site, but there still some things to clean up and get posted. This was another campaign that got abandoned due to Real Life Issues.
So, I have a lot of work ahead still, but the healing has to happen first, because typing all of this one handed is for the birds!
Thanks for reading, and the surgery recovery is taking a lot longer than I initially expected, given how quickly the similar surgery a year earlier went.