Hubris: a dictionary drabble/flash fiction
What seems a lifetime ago, I used to write fanfic, mainly in the Harry Potter fandom. Unlike a number of folks I know, I remained below the radar and never gained a great following, which actually suits me fine. “Fame and fortune, that’s not for me!”
I’m cleaning out old files and found this drabble I wrote for one of the HP lists back then, got a giggle and thought I’d share.
Originally written for the (now long-vanished) after_class group on for a dictionary drabble challenge. Standard and customary disclaimers regarding copyright, ownership, and the lack thereof by myself apply.
Hubris: a dictionary drabble/flash fiction
copyright 1997, Ashleigh Mitchell
• Main Entry: hu•bris
• Pronunciation: ‘hyü-br&s
• Function: noun
• Etymology: Greek hybris
• Date: 1884
• : exaggerated pride or self-confidence
“Well, he can’t take points away for that one,” thought Harry.
Severus Snape had his eyes closed, his normal smirk absent from his features. In fact, one might go so far as to say there was an entirely satisfied look on his face. Harry looked his Potions Professor over again, and allowed just faintest of smiles to break, ready to turn it off if the potion appeared to have gone wrong.
“Well, Mr. Potter,” came the Potions instructor’s sneering voice. “You have certainly outdone yourself this time.”
Harry’s smile began to wilt, as his mind raced over what he could possibly have done wrong – it was, after all, one of the simplest potions they had ever been assigned – boil water.