We’re not dead — yet!
Yes, it’s been very, very quiet here at Weregaming. It’s not been actually intentional, but we’ve been busy with some other projects, suh as attempting to make our business website (Babbling Brooke Readings) functional. That one was desired to have been completed by January 1 – you may have noticed we’re approaching March … yeah.
Current GM Adam and his family recently experienced a fire at their home; fortunately, it was limited to their store rooms. Unfortunately, that’s where Adam had most of his gaming materials stored. Fortunately, the current game book and campaign materials were actually in the house, and so gaming continued as scheduled this past Sunday.
We managed to survive, even if the airship we were travelling in burst into flames midway to our destination – at least we hadn’t made it to the forest, yet.
Still working on updating the older gaming logs, in the background. They’ll get here, sooner or later.
Until then, may you always make you saving throws